Gandhi once said that the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others and this is true of Endota Spa in Mornington – their mantra is defined by their staff. In all honesty, anyone can build and design the most amazing spanking new spa – what they can’t manufacture is a heartfelt service or consistently happy custom and this is one of the key differences.

Imagine walking into a space and feeling immediately at ease, like you’ve been there before, like your in a wonderful dream where the people you meet disarm you with their smiles and all they want to do is look after you. This is how we feel about the Endota Spa in Mornington – not what you see when you walk past at street level but what you submerge yourself into when you enter their private domain. What’s immediately evident is the classy spacious vibe – space is luxury.  The chill zones, the gentle lighting, the thoughtful fittings and general feel. The ability to relax independently or with an intimate group of your closest friends is something they can cover so if your thinking pre-wedding plans or connecting with your partner this is the place.







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