The Great Aussie Hike embraces the great Aussie spirit of mates looking after each other. Their entire focus is on human connection – having an amazing, bucket list experience with your family and friends. Train together, stay together, walk together, talk together, finish together . . . and then celebrate together!

The 30km teams will depart from the coastal township of Crib Point on their journey to Devilbend Reservoir. They will be the leaders of the course, moving through the sections ahead of the 57km and 100km teams.

Walking through the coastal scrub, before emerging on to the Bittern Coastal Boardwalk across the marshlands of Western Port Bay. The trail continues inland from here through some of the lesser known beauties of the Peninsula and concludes with the celebration at Devilbend Reservoir, as we all cheer on the other teams completing the challenge.

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