Awaken is a first-of-its-kind celebration of wellness, music, art and culture taking place on the 26th March 2023.

Awaken guests can practise yoga with world-famous teachers, explore ideas in thought-provoking workshops and enjoy a diverse range of live music performances — all among the lush, pristine natural environment of Peninsula Hot Springs on the Mornington Peninsula.

The gathering will also include a wellness dome village, massage zone, musical performances, sound healings, educational workshops, along with the opportunity to immerse yourself in our geothermal springs.

Wellness sessions will be facilitated by world-leading experts such as renowned yoga teacher Shiva Rea and bestselling author and stem cell biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton (both USA) plus Australia’s Dr. Marc Cohen, William Wong, Jem Stone (Wayapa Wellness), Uma Spender, Simone Callahan, Maggie Carr and Sonja Kyra-Bleau.

Music will take place across a variety of stages and include live performances from Mama Kin Spender with the Macapella Choir, Garrett Kato, Kyle Lionheart, and Edo Khan.

The celebration will be the first gathering of its kind in Australia, uniting conscious music and art with the deeply rejuvenating experience of the award-winning Hot Springs.

Please refer to the website link to book tickets, and for more details.

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